Path To Well Being In Law

Nathalie Cadieux has a Ph.D. from the University of Montreal specializing on the mental health of professionals in a regulated profession. Canadian leader on mental health research among legal professionals, she is professor in the Department of Management and Human Resources Management at the University of Sherbrooke’s business school. Speaker and author of several international scientific publications on the mental health of professionals, she is currently leading a national research project as principal investigator on the mental health of Canadian lawyers. Over 7,300 lawyers have already participated in this two-phase project entitled Towards a Healthy and Sustainable Practice of Law in Canada. This research was conducted in partnership with the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Canadian Bar Association. She was also the principal investigator of a project in partnership with the Barreau du Quebec from 2014 to 2019 in which more than 2500 lawyers practicing in Quebec participated.