Health and the Happy Lawyer: Six Simple Wellness Hacks for More Energy and Less Stress

By Missy Chase Lapine, The Functional Health Coach



Imagine a world where lawyers are among the happiest and healthiest professionals—where stress and time sheets don’t overshadow your passion for the law. What if we could redefine the narrative and prioritize well-being in our demanding field? You’re part of a new generation and a transformative culture of lawyers. This week and for the next 5 weeks, challenge yourself to take one small step each day toward that vision. Join the IWIL mission and be a catalyst for change, not just for yourself, but for your colleagues and the profession as a whole. Together, we can build a community that supports health, happiness, and overall well-being. It’s easier than you might think….see below!


Here are 6 simple actionable tips to choose from this week in the main pillars of optimizing our mind/body well-being: choose one this week and layer on another each week!


Hydrate More:

Why?  Because even mild levels of dehydration can negatively impact your mood, energy, and ability to think clearly. Hydration is crucial for maintaining mental sharpness and avoiding brain fog (and you won’t necessarily “feel” thirsty if you’re mildly dehydrated). Aim for half your body weight in ounces of unsweetened liquid, ideally water (e.g., 70 ounces for 140 pound person).

Actionable Tip:

Pre-game your busy day with a “WBC” policy (Water Before Coffee)!  Make it a personal policy to down a large glass of water before you allow yourself that first cup of Joe. This will kickstart your hydration and boost your energy. Aim to drink another large glass or two mid-morning and another couple in the afternoon but stop a couple of hours before bed to avoid waking up during the night.

Think beyond that slice of lemon (snore)! Flavor up your water naturally with fresh mint or basil sprigs, cucumber slices, or frozen mango cubes. These simple additions not only enhance the taste but also make hydration more enjoyable!


Sleep Better:
Why?  Because when we sleep, our brain “takes out the trash” through the relatively newly discovered, amazing, glymphatic system, clearing out waste and toxins. This process also consolidates memories and processes emotions, making sleep essential for mental and emotional well-being.

Actionable Tip:
Many people rely on meds for sleep, but alternatives include identifying foods and drinks that disrupt rest, like sugar and alcohol. Both will wake you up in the middle of the night as soon as they are metabolized and your blood sugar drops. Try skipping sugar or alcohol a few nights a week and note how your sleep, energy, and mood improve. Consider another personal policy such as no refined sugar or alcohol Monday thru Thursday!

Another easy win for sleep is to get morning light without sunglasses (even through a window) to regulate your circadian rhythm, sleep hormones, boost sleep quality, and elevate mood by increasing serotonin. Conversely, in the evening, minimize light exposure by using blue light-blocking glasses, amber clips over your glasses, or enabling night mode on your devices. Evening light tells our hormones to wake up, the exact opposite of what we desire. Night mode or amber shades help a ton!


Breathe Intentionally:
Why? Abdominal, intentional breathing can quickly calm the nervous system, get us out of “fight or flight” mode, reducing stress and helping you stay grounded. Just two minutes of focused, deeper breathing can immediately lower your heart rate and improve mental clarity.

Actionable Tip:
Try 4-7-8 breathing—abdominal inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, and exhale for 8. Repeat for 2 minutes to reset your nervous system. Or, use Box Breathing, a technique favored by Navy SEALs—inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding again for 4 seconds each. This method can help you stay calm and focused under pressure.


Eat for your Gut:
Why?  What you eat directly affects your cognitive function and mental clarity. A healthy gut directly influences brain function and mood regulation, thanks to the gut-brain axis—a powerful connection that affects everything from stress response to mental clarity.

Actionable Tip:
Starting your day with high-refined “naked” carbs like a bagel can cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, leading to brain fog during morning meetings. Instead, aim for 25-30 grams of protein (add veggies) at breakfast with options like a quality protein shake, eggs, wild salmon, or even leftovers from last night’s dinner. This will help stabilize blood sugar and keep your energy steady.


Move Every Hour:
Why? Prolonged sitting can lead to “sitting disease,” which negatively impacts your metabolic health and increases the risk of chronic conditions. Regular movement also boosts brain function and helps manage stress. Getting up every hour for just 2 minutes—whether to stretch, walk, or do light exercises—can improve circulation, lift your mood, and support cognitive performance. Also try to move a bit after eating – even doing the dishes helps! Just don’t sit after eating.

Actionable Tip:
Set a timer to remind yourself to move each hour (or simply drink more water at your desk and it will force you to get up to go to the bathroom)!  Even a quick lap around your office or some light stretching can help reset your body and mind, keeping you more focused, energized, and stress-free throughout the day. Make a “pacing policy” with yourself to pace around while having phone calls, when appropriate.


 Building and maintaining relationships is essential for both emotional well-being and stress management. Connecting with colleagues, friends, and family can foster a sense of belonging and support, which is crucial in the high-pressure legal environment. Regular social interactions not only boost your mood but also enhance your resilience to stress.

Actionable Tip:
Make it a point to reach out to someone each day, whether it’s a quick chat with a colleague, a phone call to a friend, or a virtual coffee break. These small moments of connection can significantly improve your mental health, help you feel more grounded, and create a supportive network that uplifts you during challenging times.


Incorporating these simple wellness strategies and actionable tips into your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in your overall health, cognitive function, and stress management. By focusing on hydration, nutrition, movement, quality sleep, and meaningful connections, you can contribute to our transformative, healthier and happier culture within the legal profession. Challenge yourself to take small steps each day toward this vision.



Missy Chase Lapine is a former lawyer specializing in lawyer well-being, with a mission to help people optimize their health, prevent illness, and live a balanced, energized life.  She is certified in culinary medicine and chef coaching by Harvard Medical School, and holds multiple certifications as a health coach in functional medicine and in integrative nutrition.  She is a New York Times bestselling author.  Missy offers practical, innovative workshops and private coaching to help lawyers manage stress, enhance their physical and mental health, prevent illness, and live a balanced, energized life.  She practices as The Functional Health Coach at: