“Being well is critical to professional competency and thriving on a personal level. Our firm, while not the largest in size, adheres to the belief that attention to each person’s wellness benefits the organization as much as the individual members of our team. We implemented a well-being program, Balance(d) & Focus(ed), that encourages wellness on multiple levels for all employees, including physically and psychologically. Every firm meeting includes a wellness discussion where we invite the creative exchange of ideas on such topics as fitness, nutrition, and time and stress management. Acknowledgement that overall well-being is important within our firm demonstrates our commitment to embracing wellness and a positive environment. No large budget is required! No matter what size firm, all should be providing support and assistance to foster a healthy workplace community.”

Janine L. Pollack

“Being a lawyer in any industry can be a very rewarding but stressful job. As the world evolves and technology allows us to be connected 24/7, it is important that we focus on recharging and taking care of ourselves.  For some, this can be exacerbated if you are a working parent, caring for the elderly and extended family. We need to ensure that we are providing a culture of inclusion where these differences are considered and accommodations are made to allow everyone to excel without the sacrifice of their well-being. We must take care of people first if we want our business to have an impact and growth.”

Jean Lee

“At Ogletree Deakins, we truly believe that nurturing open communication about mental and physical health will allow our attorneys to be the best resource for our clients and also the best version of themselves. We encourage our team members to utilize our employee assistance program to seek confidential consultations that support mental, physical, social, and financial well-being. And, in recent years, we’ve implemented more wellness-focused programing at our annual meetings, including yoga, mindfulness, and a 5K. We work hard to lead by example and prioritize well-being for attorneys and staff.” 

Matt Keen

“Investing in our people is not only the right thing to do, it is an investment in the quality of our client service as well as a commitment to our culture of excellence.  The ABA’s Well-Being Pledge is a powerful example of the profession linking arms to confront universal challenges and to come out stronger for having done so.  Promoting well-being, destigmatizing issues around mental health and substance use and fostering discourse around the common struggles we all face will not only make the profession stronger, it will make its members better lawyers and better people.”

Casey Ryan

“As a long-time solo and small firm attorney, no one carves out time for me to look after my own well-being. To be my best, it is up to me to put my health and happiness first. Quality time with family, intense daily workouts and a nice vacation on the horizon keeps me rejuvenated. Everyone needs to figure out their own well-being recipe because, as the saying goes, we can’t pour from an empty cup.”

Matt Potempa
Matt Potempa

“The legal industry is extremely demanding, and the needs of our clients and the technologically-connected world we live in puts ever more pressure on professionals – lawyers and business folks. The industry needs to be laser-focused on giving all of the support we can to help our talent stay healthy and be well.  At Goodwin, we do so through our You@Goodwin program, because having well-adjusted professionals is good for our clients, our firm and our industry.”

Robert S. Insolia

“Fostering an environment that supports the well-being of our attorneys and professional staff is a top priority at Crowell & Moring.  As a proud signatory of the ABA Well-Being Pledge, we are joining other firms in shedding light on the challenges attorneys and professional staff face and identifying resources and best practices that can make a real difference. Our profession must commit to a meaningful dialogue about mental health and how to support it.”

Phil Inglima
Phil Inglima

Dean of Students, University of Pennsylvania Law School

“We do an excellent job training law students how to solve problems for their clients.  Imagine the transformation of our profession’s well-being if we put equal emphasis on empowering lawyers to treat themselves as clients.  We must encourage lawyers to value self-care, prioritize intrinsic motivation, and support empathy and relationship building – ideals we easily transmit to our clients but have difficulty applying to ourselves.  These principles are at the core of our helping profession.”

Felicia Lin

Chair, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

“Along with client service, our top priority should be ensuring that our people are engaged, fulfilled and able to meet the incredible demands of our profession. Clients come to us with their biggest, most complex, sensitive problems. The stakes are big, the demands significant and, in many cases, the time short. We can’t make the job less demanding, but we can provide our colleagues tools to help them thrive in a challenging environment. We can enable them to be in the best position to have professional and personal lives that are integrated and fulfilling.”

Jami McKeon

Dean of Students, American University Washington College of Law, National Task Force Member; Vice Chair, ABA CoLAP Law School Assistance Committee

“Law schools are taking many of the approaches being considered by law firms toward greater well-being. As part of your commitment to well-being, consider giving some of your time back to your law school. Offer to meet with students in your practice area, mock interview a few of them, or talk about how your firm is committed to the next generation of healthy lawyers. They will love you for it!”

David Jaffe

Chief Executive Officer, Katten

“As a firm leader, it is my job to be a role model and promote well-being as one of my firm’s core values. Working in a law firm in this era of intense competition and change poses well-being challenges for all of our people, not only lawyers. Core to my own well-being has been developing an understanding of how my career fits with the rest of my life—and also recognizing that my family, friends hobbies, and exercise provide fulfillment and balance that I don’t get from my law job.”

Noah Heller

Chair ABA CoLAP Attorney Well-Being Committee, Attorney, Certified Coach

“Many law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies, law schools, judge associations and more have responded to the urgent call to action to improve well-being in the profession. Over 160 entities already have signed the ABA Well-Being Pledge.  Participating in Lawyer Well-Being Week will be another tangible way to demonstrate that we’re serious and committed.”

Jonathan Beitner
Jonathan Beitner

Anne Brafford, Chair ABA LP Attorney Well-Being Committee, National Task Force member and Chief Editor of the 2017 Report, Owner of Aspire

“For law firms, caring about lawyer well-being is not just the right thing to do, it’s also good for clients and for business. Healthy lawyers are more engaged and productive. They are more energized to fully contribute to their firms, colleagues, families, and communities.”

Anne Brafford
Anne Brafford

Founder, Krill Strategies, National Task Force member and co-author of Task Force report

“Mental health and well-being in the legal profession is about more than just lawyers and law students. It’s also about their families, clients, colleagues, and role in society. When the profession falls short and its members struggle, too many other people lose. And although we can’t change where we’ve been as a profession, we can certainly choose where we want to go from here, and it’s time to choose better.”

Patrick Krill

Bree Buchanan, Co-Chair and Founder of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being, Chair ABA CoLAP, Senior Advisor, Krill Strategies

“So much progress has been made since the National Task Force published its Path to Lawyer Well-Being report in 2017. Still, there’s a long way to go. A goal of Lawyer Well-Being Week is to keep the movement energized and focused on innovation. There’s power and responsibility for every stakeholder group in the profession to continue making steps toward positive change.”

Bree Buchanan
Bree Buchanan

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Richard Andersoncreative director

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James Richardsonaccount manager

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Leonardo Freemanprogrammer

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Anna Whitehallaccount manager

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George Windfallcreative director

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Natasha Greydesigner

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Leonardo Freemanprogrammer