By: Jonathan Fisher, MD, FACC

Introduction to the Seven Traits

“The intimacy that arises in listening and speaking truth is only possible if we can open to the vulnerability of our hearts. Breathing in, contacting the life that is right here, is our first step. Once we have held ourselves with kindness, we can touch others in a vital and healing way.”

—Tara Brach

Seven personal virtues—steadiness, wisdom, openness, wholeness, courage, lightness, and warmth—serve as invaluable guides in reducing stress and increasing joy, meaning, and connection in our lives. As a cardiologist intrigued by the heart as a symbol of our emotions, soul, and humanity, I’ve learned that healing and health go beyond the physical body. They are deeply rooted in habits of the mind and qualities of the spirit.

These truths were not something I learned in medical school. Instead, I uncovered them through my quest to discover the roots of healing, health, and happiness. Growing up in a family of medical professionals — my father and six older siblings were all physicians — I formed my identity and goals around becoming a physician and striving for achievement in a manner that I thought would lead me toward “success.” After I began practicing as a cardiologist, my professional world was focused on serving my patients well and saving lives. Still, in truth, my life was marked by efforts to hide anxiety, depression, and burnout from others: burnishing the image of a “perfect” student and a “perfect” doctor. I took care of 20,000 other hearts before taking care of my own.

I ultimately learned through my painful but meaningful healing journey out of loss, grief, and burnout that the science and well-being strategies I discovered were, in fact, an integrated and evidence-based approach to wholehearted living and are the framework upon which holistic health and vitality are built. These strategies and daily practices bridge the gap between modern Western Science and traditional Eastern wisdom. I now teach my patients, who include legal professionals, to successfully manage stress, maintain wellness (fostering heart health holistically), cultivate lasting joy, and connect with what truly matters.

These seven traits of the heart are innate within each of us, waiting to be nurtured and developed. They are not exclusive to a select few; rather, they offer everyone the opportunity to lead a more enriched and fulfilling life. Through twenty-five years of medical practice, personal reflection, and research, I’ve identified these traits as crucial for achieving not just physical health, but also for emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. I share in the book, Just One Heart: A Cardiologist’s Guide to Healing, Health, and Happiness, that I wrote to help and educate others, how these traits of the heart are vital to wellness, healing, and personal and professional life satisfaction:  Now, let me share with you from chapter 13 of my book how these traits of the heart can be practically applied to legal professionals’ work settings and contribute to transforming the workplace into a more supportive, productive, and fulfilling environment.


  1. Steadiness: Creating a Foundation of Trust and Stability

Steadiness represents the inner calm and resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges. In the legal profession, cultivating steadiness helps create a stable environment where trust and reliability thrive.

Practical Steps for Lawyers:

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly meetings with your team to discuss workload, challenges, and support needs. This consistent communication builds trust and addresses issues before they escalate.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Before a trial, meeting, or stressful writing or speaking task, take a few minutes for deep breathing or reflection. Encourage your team to do the same to reduce anxiety and enhance clarity.
  • Clear Expectations: Set clear, achievable goals for each case or project. Providing a stable structure helps reduce uncertainty and stress, creating a more grounded work environment.
  1. Wisdom: Leveraging Experience and Insight

Wisdom involves the ability to apply knowledge and experience with discernment and empathy. For legal professionals, wisdom is crucial in making sound judgments and guiding others with insight.

Practical Steps for Lawyers:

  • Mentoring Programs: Establish mentoring relationships where experienced lawyers share their knowledge with newer attorneys. This fosters wisdom and continuous learning within the firm.
  • Diverse Input in Decision-Making: When facing challenging cases, involve a diverse team to brainstorm solutions. This enhances decision-making and ensures all voices are heard.
  • Continuous Legal Education: Encourage ongoing education and training to keep the team sharp and adaptable, promoting a culture of growth and development.
  1. Openness: Encouraging Innovation and Inclusivity

Openness is the willingness to embrace new ideas and perspectives. In the legal workplace, fostering openness leads to creativity, innovation, and a more inclusive environment.

Practical Steps for Lawyers:

  • Idea Sessions: Schedule regular brainstorming sessions where team members can propose new strategies or solutions, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.
  • Feedback Systems: Implement a system for anonymous feedback on processes or management practices, using this feedback to make meaningful changes.
  • Transparency: Share challenges and mistakes openly with the team to create a culture of learning and continuous improvement.
  1. Wholeness: Promoting Balance and Well-Being

Wholeness is about recognizing and integrating all aspects of ourselves—physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. For legal professionals, promoting wholeness means fostering a work environment that supports overall well-being.

Practical Steps for Lawyers:

  • Team-Building Activities: Organize regular activities like monthly lunches or off-site retreats to build camaraderie and support within the team.
  • Support Systems: Create or enhance peer support programs where lawyers can discuss challenges and share coping strategies, normalizing conversations about well-being.
  • Recognize Contributions: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate each team member’s unique contributions, boosting morale and fostering a sense of belonging.
  1. Courage: Taking Bold and Ethical Actions
  • Courage involves taking risks and standing up for what is right, even in adversity. In the legal field, courage is essential for advocating effectively and pursuing justice.

Practical Steps for Lawyers:

  • Celebrate Risk-Taking: Encourage and celebrate calculated risks, whether a new approach to a case or a novel client engagement strategy.
  • Empower Decision-Making: Give team members the autonomy to make decisions in their areas of expertise, building confidence and a sense of ownership.
  • Challenge the Status Quo: Encourage questioning traditional practices and exploring new ways of working, leading to innovative solutions that set your firm apart.
  1. Lightness: Cultivating Joy and Resilience

Lightness refers to the ability to bring positivity and joy into the workplace. In the legal profession, cultivating lightness helps build resilience and creates a more pleasant and productive work environment.

Practical Steps for Lawyers:

  • Social Events: Organize informal social events, such as Friday happy hours or themed office parties, to provide a chance for relaxation and relationship-building.
  • Positive Environment: Decorate the office with uplifting artwork or motivational quotes to boost morale and create a positive atmosphere.
  • Open Dialogue: Maintain open communication where team members can express concerns or share successes, fostering a supportive environment where resilience is built through shared experiences.
  1. Warmth: Building Strong Connections and Community

Warmth is about fostering empathy, kindness, and strong interpersonal connections. In the legal workplace, warmth strengthens relationships and builds a supportive community.

Practical Steps for Lawyers:

  • Community Service: Organize firm-wide volunteering days or pro bono projects to strengthen bonds within the team and give back to the community.
  • Recognition Programs: Implement a recognition program that highlights both professional achievements and acts of kindness and support within the team.
  • Encourage Empathy: Lead by example in showing empathy and compassion, both toward clients and colleagues, creating a culture of warmth and mutual respect.

Conclusion: Leading with Heart in the Legal Profession

Considering the challenges lawyers face today—rising stress, burnout, and the pressures of constant performance — it becomes clear that a new approach to leadership is needed. By embracing the seven timeless traits of the heart, legal leaders can create environments that not only drive success but also nurture the well-being of every team member.

Leadership in law, much like in medicine, is not just about optimizing strategy and striving for results. It’s about creating a symphony of collaboration, purpose, and sustainable success — a workplace where every individual feels heard, valued, and empowered to contribute their unique gifts. Let us lead with our hearts and, in doing so, foster a legal profession that thrives not just in the courtroom but in the well-being of those who practice it.

Dr FisherDr. Jonathan Fisher is a Harvard-trained cardiologist, mindfulness meditation teacher, and organizational well-being leader with over 25 years of experience. Dr. Fisher co-founded the Ending Clinician Burnout Global Community and has designed systemwide stress-reduction, peak performance, and leadership development programs for a healthcare organization with over 38,000 team members. A sought-after speaker, he has delivered keynotes, workshops, and retreats globally, sharing evidence-based practices to enhance well-being. A regular contributor to and named on Charlotte Magazine’s “Best Doctors” list, his mission is to help others “train the mind and heal the heart.”


Book Cover for "Just One Heart"He is the author of the best-selling book Just One Heart: A Cardiologist’s Guide to Healing, Health, and Happiness, which explores the mind-heart connection. Available here.