Emotional Intelligence: The Path to Lawyer Well-Being
January 25, 2024
Start Time: 1:45 pm
Duration: 60 Minutes
Emotional intelligence (“EQ”) is the single biggest predictor of success in leadership. Unlike IQ, EQ is not static and can be taught, and that’s what this session, “Emotional Intelligence: The Secret Sauce For Lawyer Well-Being” is about. Lawyers with high EQs will be more successful and resilient; they will be better communicators; they will navigate through challenges and change more effectively; and they will be better at conflict resolution, all of which leads to a more satisfying and engaged culture. The key skills that attendees will learn, refresh and/or enhance include:
- Accurately perceiving their own emotions in the moment and gaining a keen understanding of their tendencies across situations;
- Staying on top of their typical reactions to specific events, challenges and people; *Using awareness of their emotions to stay flexible and direct their behavior positively and productively;
- Tolerating uncertainty and discomfort, and directing their emotional responses to situations and people;
- Recognizing and understanding the emotions of others;
- Connecting with others by being present and listening deeply and attentively;
- Using awareness of their own emotions and the emotions of others to manage interactions successfully; and
- Deepening connections.