What is IWIL?

In case you haven’t yet heard of the Institute for Well-Being in Law (IWIL), it’s a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization (founded in December 2020) that evolved out of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-being.  It’s mission is to transform the legal profession’s approach to well-being. Through advocacy, research, education, technical and resource support, and stakeholder partnerships, IWIL strives to lead a culture shift in law to establish well-being as a core centerpiece of professional success.  It already has recruited an impressive Executive Board and Advisory Board filled with committed, talented advocates for well-being with experience that spans all sectors of the profession.


Why Attend IWIL’s 2022 Virtual Conference?

IWIL’s aim is to build the premiere, not-to-be missed well-being conference in the legal profession—and its inaugural all-virtual conference scheduled for January 2022 is off to a great start.  The conference theme—Redesigning the Legal Profession for a Better Future—places the focus on innovation to support individual, organizational, and institutional thriving. To develop our theme, we searched for top speakers to offer the following:

    • New ideas or new approaches to established ideas,
    • Practical strategies and solutions (not just problem-identification),
    • An evidence-based foundation (where applicable), and
    • Engaging and innovative session formats.

Because different stakeholders have different needs and interests, we have divided the conference into four tracks over three days. Each track offers tailored content and innovative strategies so that participants get the most out of their time investment:

    • Track 1A-1B: Individual Well-Being: For individuals working in all types of organizations in the legal profession.
    • Track 2: Workplace Well-Being: For law firm well-being coordinators and all others working on building workplace well-being in the legal profession.
    • Track 3: Law School Well-Being: For all who are working on building well-being in law schools.
    • Track 4: Leading Law Firm Well-Being: For law firm partners and other organizational leaders whose everyday behaviors and choices impact firm members’ well-being.

You won’t want to miss this conference, and we look forward to seeing you there!