At-Large Director, IWIL Board State Initiatives Team Leader, LWBW Salt Lake City, UT Martha Knudson, J.D., MAPP, is a lawyer, speaker, and consultant pioneering the integration of well-being science in the legal field. She implements evidence-based strategies to enhance professional success and has collaborated with clients like the Utah State Bar and the Utah Board…

Immediate Past President, IWIL Board VP, IWIL Policy Wednesday Team Leader: Career/Intellectual Well-Being| Leadership, LWBW Boston, MA Heidi Alexander is Massachusetts’ first Director of the Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being. Before assuming that role, Heidi served as the Deputy Director of Massachusetts Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers and led its Law Office Management Assistance Program,…

Jonathan Beitner

COLAP Liason, LWBW Chicago, IL Connect on LinkedIn

Anne Brafford

IWIL Advisory Board Huntington Beach, CA Anne is a former equity partner at Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP and the founder of Aspire, an education and consulting firm for the legal profession. Anne is the past Chair of the ABA Law Practice Division’s Attorney Well-Being Committee and was the Editor-in-Chief and co-author of the 2017…

President, NFT Team Tuesday Team Leader: Spiritual WB | Balance, LWBW Austin, TX Bree Buchanan is a founding co-chair of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-being and is a co-author of its groundbreaking 2017 report, The Path to Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change. In December 2020, she was appointed Board President of the…

John Hollway

Shark Tank Leader, LWBW  

Member, IWIL Planning Committee Monday Team Leader: Physical Well-Being | Rewards & Recognition, LWBW Charlotte, NC In addition to his ongoing work with ReelTime CLE, Chris Osborn is the founding principal of Osborn Conflict Resolution, which provides Superior Court mediation, pre-litigation dispute resolution, and collaborative law services throughout North Carolina. Connect on LinkedIn

Co-Chair, IWIL Planning Committee Friday Team Leader: Emotional Well-Being | Culture of Trust, LWBW Philadelphia, PA Gretchen is a Human Resources Director for Cozen O’Connor, a law firm headquartered in Philadelphia, PA.  She oversees Human Resource operations including talent management, benefits and well-being programs in the organization.  A native Philadelphian, Gretchen has her undergraduate degree…

Michelle Powers

ABA LP Liason, LWBW Madison, WI  Connect on LinkedIn  

Thursday Team Leader: Social Well-Being | Inclusion, LWBW Washington D.C. Connect on LinkedIn

Thursday Team Leader: Social Well-Being | Inclusion, LWBW Washington D.C. Connect on LinkedIn