Track 1A
Supercharge Your Productivity, Sanity, and Health With an 8-Minute Morning Routine
January 19, 2022
Start Time: 2:30 pm
Duration: 45 Minutes

Megan Lyons will teach her “WAKE UP + GO” framework for an 8-minute morning routine to help legal professionals use simple daily habits to recharge (and supercharge) their well-being and productivity. The routine—WAKEUP + GO—is an acronym that stands for: Water, Affirmations, Knowledge, Exercise, Unwind, Positivity, Gratitude, and One goal.


Learning Objectives

  • Implement an 8-minute morning routine to prioritize themselves despite their busy-ness.
  • Understand how powerful a few minutes of stillness an introspection is for their mental and physical health.
  • Reduce pressure on themselves to implement something “perfect” and begin to take action today

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